We’re going to talk about the pronunciation of three single vowels in Vietnamese: I, U, and Ư today. 

1. The Pronunciation of "I"

In Vietnamese, the letter "I" always produces the sound /i:/. This sound is exactly the same as the long /i:/ in English, as in the words "see," "me," and "tree." It can also resemble the short /ɪ/ sound, as in "sit."

Some example words:

Đi      Go /diː/

Bí      Pumpkin  /biː/


2. The Pronunciation of "U"

In Vietnamese, the letter U always makes the sound /u:/, which is similar to the "oo" sound in English words like "zoo", "moo," and "food." Unlike English, where vowel sounds can vary, the Vietnamese U is consistent. It is always pronounced as a clear /u:/

Some words containing the letter U:

Thu       Autumn /tuː/

Ngu      Foolish  /ŋuː/

Cu        Small boy /kuː/


3. The Pronunciation of "Ư"

Let’s talk about the vowel Ư (the letter U with a hook on the top right). This sound doesn’t exist in English, so it might feel a bit challenging at first. Take your time—with a little practice, you’ll master it.

- To pronounce Ư, start with a gentle smile, showing your upper teeth while keeping them relaxed. 

Begin by leaving a small gap between your upper teeth and bottom lip.

- Then, gently bring your upper teeth close enough to lightly touch your bottom lip. 

At the same time, keep your tongue low and gently resting against the gum beneath your bottom teeth.

- Finally, produce the sound Ư in a relaxed and smooth manner: smiling, showing your upper teeth which are lightly touching your bottom lip

It’s a short, flat, unrounded sound that should feel noticeably different from U (/u/), as your lips remain unrounded

Let’s practice with some example words. Pay attention to your lip and teeth positions while practicing these words. 




Tư Private/Personal /tɯ/

Thư Letter /tʰɯ/

Hư Broken /hɯ/

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Now let’s review a few common mistakes.

For the letter U, it sounds more similar to /u/ rather than /ʊ/—in put.  

For the letter Ư, the little hook makes the sound totally different from U, so avoid rounding your lips.

Also, don’t over-exaggerate the sound. Ư is subtle and flat, so keep it natural.

Finally, make sure you smile before you say the word. That’s the most common mistake my students make

tanding in front of a mirror to check if your mouth movements match what I mentioned above

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