Quảng Bình province - Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng National Park

As I am a nature beauty lover, Phong Nha National Park in Quang Binh province easily becomes my top favourite destination. 

“Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park is a national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam, about 500 km south of Hanoi, bordering the Hin Namno Reserve in Laos. Characterised by mountains, tropical forests and underground rivers, it’s known for its ancient limestone karsts and vast network of caves."

Nới lỏng giãn cách

Chính quyền ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh dự tính đến đầu tháng mười này sẽ bắt đầu nới lỏng giãn cách trên toàn thành phố. Ở hai tuần cuối của tháng chín, sẽ giúp tiền mặt lần thứ ba cho người dân.

Pete Lathrope

Nguyen Thanh Xuan Vi's Vietnamese language lessons are very well thought out. Her lessons are quite unique and customised. She personalized my lessons, which contain material that is related to me and she always asked for continual feed back to make sure I was getting what I wanted to achieve. I have found her calm and methodical approach very professional and she is always happy to revisit any difficulties I am having with grammar or pronunciation from previous lessons before moving to new material.

7. Superword ĐỒ


"Đồ" means things or stuff. It is usually used to create a new word with related meaning.

For example: Ăn means "To eat", then Đồ ăn means "Food"


Jon Best

I am a business professional with 35 years working in international trade. I hold an Economics degree from Sydney University and have travelled in Asia over many years.

External Resources

(1) Pimsleur podcasts: https://www.pimsleur.com/learn-vietnamese/all-products?coupon_code=pla

(2) Duolingo app

(I am a passive leaner, so Pimsleur and Duolingo work incredibly well to me. I spend 5-10 minutes per day on Duolinggo. I also play the Pimsleur podcasts on my phone while I'm running, cooking, showering,...And that's how I master my Chinese and Spanish)

(3) Quizlet app: It's very useful to remember words.

Robyn H

I have been enjoying my skype lessons with Xuan Vi- she has a very  friendly manner and is patient with total beginners to the Vietnamese language. Her gentle encouragement combined with prompt written and audio resources have helped me pick up some basic verbal skills in a short amount of time. Ready for my holiday in Vietnam.  Thanks for the crash course and daily grind, I believe it has paid off!!  Thank you.

Nhà hàng Việt ở Melbourne


Nhà hàng Việt ở Melbourne rất Tây. Khi mới đến Melbourne, Xuân Vi rất ít đi ăn ngoài vì không tìm được quán nào đúng vị Việt hết. Nhưng bây giờ đã tìm được một vài quán ăn rất Việt Nam rồi.


Nếu muốn ăn Bò né, Bò kho, Chả cá Lã Vọng, Bánh cuốn Nha Trang,... Vi sẽ đi Footscray, đến quán Anh Tuk trên đường Hopkins. Quán này có nhiều món miền Nam ngon ơi là ngon.

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